
Plasma Studio

Mobility center - San Candido (BZ)

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The new mobility centre is formed as a new public plaza and natural underpass beneath the rail tracks for pedes­trian and bicycle movement. Motorized vehicles can be parked on the northern side with convenient short walk to the town’s historic and commercial center. The mobility hub accommodates connection and exchange between train, bus, car, bike and electric mobility. The whole plaza will follow the guidelines of a shared space and works as a continuation of the already existing pedestrian zone. The new territory that results from a reduction in the overall amount of rail tracks and surplus capacity will be swapped by rerouting the regional road alongside the remaining tracks. This will enhance future connection and develop­ment for the north side of the town and enables a buffer zone for adjunct functions. Additional new areas and existing buildings will combine to provide growth and synergies for an adjunct commer­cial park. The masterplan envisions new social programs such as a skate park and a youth center to occupy additional va­cant land and the old historical buildings of the former train station.
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